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News March 27, 2025

Reasons why workers will not wear PPE

In a recent study from the International Safety Equipment Association and J. J. Keller & Associates Inc., employers say about half of workers do not wear proper personal protective equipment because they do not want to or do not consider it necessary, according to Safety+Health magazine.

Seven out of 10 employers who participated in the study said their company discusses PPE regularly, but 3 out of 4 still find workers have issues with wearing PPE. Fifty-six percent of employers said workers do not want to wear PPE, and 48% said workers do not think it is needed. Additionally, 36% of the employers said their workers think wearing PPE makes their jobs more difficult.

The study also found half of employers said they struggle to train workers regarding key aspects of PPE use, such as how to wear it properly and equipment limitations; about one-third of employers have a difficult time finding options that fit women properly; and 55% of employers face challenges finding PPE for larger sizes compared with 52% who struggle to find it for smaller sizes.

It is crucial workers understand the actions needed to stay safe on the job site. Be sure to check out NRCA’s health and safety resources


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